
Showing posts from March, 2024

2023 African games Ghana

   2023 African games Ghana The 13th African Games, initially slated for August 2023, were postponed to March 8-23, 2024 in Ghana's capital, Accra.  This delay stemmed from a combination of unfinished facilities and disputes concerning marketing revenue.  However, the wait proved worthwhile as the games brought together athletes from across Africa to compete in a diverse range of sporting disciplines. Beyond the traditional athletics, wrestling, and swimming events, the 2023 African Games in Ghana witnessed a display of prowess in some truly unique categories. Spectators were enthralled by the raw strength on display in arm wrestling competitions, both for men and women. The fast-paced rallies of badminton and the strategic battles of chess provided a different kind of thrill. Teamwork and strategy were on full display in disciplines like 3x3 basketball, beach volleyball, and field hockey. Meanwhile, the combat sports like boxing, judo, and karate showcased the athletes' intens

Lagos food markets: Ounje Eko food markets

Lagos food markets:Ounje Eko food markets The Ounje Eko food markets are a welcome initiative launched by the Lagos State Government to provide some relief to residents facing rising food prices. These special markets offer a selection of essential food items at discounted prices every Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm. Here's a closer look at the program: Discounted Prices: Residents can expect to save 25% on everyday staples like rice, beans, gari, bread, eggs, tomatoes, and pepper.  This can significantly reduce grocery bills, especially for those struggling to make ends meet. Voucher System: To ensure fair access and prevent hoarding, the Ounje Eko markets utilize a voucher system.  This means residents will need to obtain vouchers beforehand, most likely through designated channels or partnering organizations.  The exact details of how to acquire vouchers should be announced by the Lagos State Government. Market Locations: The program spans across all five administrative divisions

St Patrick the missionary

St Patrick the missionary St. Patrick's legacy as a missionary is central to Irish history and identity. Here's a deeper dive into his fascinating life and work: From Captive to Missionary Zeal: Born in Roman Britain during the 5th century, Patrick's life took an unexpected turn when Irish raiders captured him at a young age. Enslaved in Ireland for six years, he found solace in Christianity and converted during this challenging time.  After escaping back to Britain, he felt a powerful calling to return to Ireland, not as a captive, but as a missionary. Bringing Christianity to Ireland: Unlike some missionaries who imposed new beliefs rigidly, Patrick is known for his innovative approach.  He incorporated familiar aspects of Irish pagan beliefs into his teachings, making Christianity more relatable to the local population.  This strategic approach is believed to have significantly accelerated the conversion of Ireland from a predominantly pagan society to a Christian one. L